Breast aware: Check yourself

Gillian Cooper
Did you know that 140 women in the UK are diagnosed with breast cancer every day?*
The good news is that survival rates are increasing and the earlier breast cancer is picked up, the easier it is to treat and the more likely the treatment is to be successful. So it’s a really good idea to get into the habit of checking your breasts regularly.

Female Cancer Cover - helping to keep you financially fit to fight your way back to health

Gillian Cooper
It’s good news that cancer survival rates are now higher than ever, but coping with the diagnosis and treatment can be expensive.
While the financial implications of the illness are not usually the first thing people think of when facing a cancer diagnosis, Macmillan Cancer Support has identified that four out of five cancer patients are on average £570 a month worse off*.

Top tips for a staying well when flying

Gillian Cooper
With the holiday season approaching, many of us will be boarding a plane to fly off to somewhere with sandy beach beaches, blue skies and best of all, guaranteed sunshine.
Although it always sounds glamourous and exciting, the reality of flying is that unless you’re lucky enough to be travelling first class, it’s really pretty uncomfortable. And with low oxygen levels, a very dry atmosphere and being stuck in a small space for several hours, it can take its toll on our bodies.

A Good Night’s sleep

Gillian Cooper
According to a new sleep app, British people are among the grumpiest in the world when they wake up in the morning. Along with Japan, South Korea and Singapore, we are getting poorer quality sleep than most of the 50 countries surveyed.
So why are we so prone to getting up on the wrong side of bed? Lack of a good night's sleep is one of the biggest factors.