Allergy Season Common Symptoms and Remedies

Gillian Cooper
It is estimated that around one in four Britons - that’s 16 million people - are affected by hayfever, or allergic rhinitis to give the condition its official name.
It’s on the rise so is there anything you can do to alleviate your allergies?

Walk your way to health

Gillian Cooper
Hate running? It isn’t for everyone. If the thought of pounding the pavement leaves you cold, research published in American Heart Association Journal shows that walking has just as many health benefits as running. In fact, studies show it’s better for you than high-impact exercise because of increased risk of injury – walking is gentler on the joints.*
Regular walking has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and it can also help maintain a healthy weight and is proven to boost mood and memory. Walking outdoors can add extra challenges when you have to work against the wind and uneven surfaces, too. And, best of all, walking is free and available to everyone.

A breast cancer patient’s journey – Blog Post 8 – Doing The Dirty Thirty

Ruth Taylor
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Ruth Taylor, 45, is a mum of two who was diagnosed with breast cancer back in May 2016. We are honoured to share her journey from initial diagnosis, informing her family, through to chemo and radiotherapy. She hopes to raise awareness and educate others about breast cancer, while firmly kicking cancer back where it belongs. This is the eighth instalment in her guest blog.
A fortnight after my diagnosis appointment I had a further meeting with Mr Masannat to give me an opportunity to ask questions and go over my treatment plan. He mentioned that he had put a referral in for me to get a bone scan to check my back and I was pleased that I was getting what I perceived to be an MOT! We went through the plan for my chemotherapy which the doctor told me would be scheduled for after I’d recovered from the operation and I would then most probably need radiotherapy, but they would know for certain once they removed the lump and analysed it. My operation date was confirmed as Mon 20th June and I was told I would need to come into the hospital the afternoon before to be admitted, as my operation would be in the morning the following day.

A breast cancer patient’s journey – Blog Post 7 – Telling the family that I have breast cancer

Ruth Taylor
Ruth Taylor, 45, is a mum of two who was diagnosed with breast cancer back in May 2016. We are honoured to share her journey from initial diagnosis, informing her family, through to chemo and radiotherapy. She hopes to raise awareness and educate others about breast cancer, while firmly kicking cancer back where it belongs. This is the seventh instalment in her guest blog.
So, now that we knew what we were dealing with, we started to think about who we should tell and when. I didn't necessarily want to keep it a secret, but at the same time I certainly didn't want to broadcast it via a Facebook post! Thoughts went to immediate family. Laura was in the middle of her exams and there was no way I was going to jeopardise those. She was also due to go to Mannheim in Germany at the beginning of July and I wondered how she would cope being away staying with a family she had not met before, when see knew I was ill.